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Trail Well Traveled – 4/7


Welcome to the Trail Well Traveled!

Each Friday, in partnership with Montana Wilderness Association we will feature a new western Montana trail and then give one lucky listener some cool goodies to help them embark on their journey!

Buffalo Creek

Rugged river cliffs and breaks give way to badlands and sandstone formations – perfect for anyone looking to explore some rugged country in solitude!

Roundtrip: 8 miles

Elevation Gain: 500 feet

Directions: First, make your way to Broadus, which is in far southeast Montana along Highway 212. From Billings, you’ll continue on I-90 east until the highway splits off just south of the Crow Agency, at the exit to the Little Bighorn Battlefield.

Even then, you’re still a little more than 100 miles away.

Half a mile west of Broadus, turn southwest on Moorehead road and head another 37 miles until you cross the Powder River. There, you’ll find the Moorehead Recreation Area – a BLM campground and the access point to miles and miles of public land.

What to expect: Buffalo Creek, formerly a BLM Wilderness Study Area, comprises over 20,000 acres of undeveloped rugged badlands – welcoming to hikers, campers and horseback riders.

Consider an extended trips exploring the region’s ridgelines, valleys, sandstone cliffs and rich red badlands, and enjoy expansive views of the Powder River valley: ample opportunities for bird-watching and wildlife viewing.

There are no established trails in the area, so hiking these hills and cliffs requires an adventurous spirit and some basic map reading and compass skills. A GPS certainly makes things easier. Maps and GPS info are available at Powder River Taxidermy in Broadus, so be sure to stop by there on your way.

Also, check out this awesome geotourism map highlighting all that’s special about the area, from natural wonders to legendary dinosaurs and haunted hotels!

Tip: Continue driving down Moorehead Road past the recreation area another 2 miles to a two-track route that heads east from the road. From this vantage point you can enjoy great views of the badlands and sandstone cliffs to the north.

Learn more about this trail, file your own trip report and photos, or check out some other great hikes at And don’t forget to tune in to the Trail 103.3 each Friday at 9:50 am for the next featured trail and your chance to win!

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