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January Book of the Month


The Trail, in partnership with the Book Exchange, is excited to unveil the next installment of our Book Club series!

This month we share a classic from one of the most celebrated of all American authors: John Steinbeck’s “East of Eden.”

Published in 1952, “East of Eden” is centered on the story of two families, the Trasks and the Hamiltons, who repeat the tragedies of the biblical stories of Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel of the course of several generations.

The epic novel is also a celebration of traditional Steinbeck literature, with rich, vivid descriptions of both personal characters as well as the “character” of its setting in the burgeoning farmland of California’s Salinas Valley in the opening decades of the Twentieth Century.

Pick up your copy of “East of Eden” for over fifty percent off all this month at the Book Exchange, and don’t forget to log on to their Facebook page for more information and a discussion with other club members!

The Book Exchange, voted Missoula’s best used or new bookstore for 22 straight years. In the Tremper’s Shopping Center across from the fairgrounds.

Have a suggestion for the Trail Book Club? Fill out the form HERE!

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