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Trail Less Traveled – 7/29


“Lolo” is a fun word to say, but do you know what it means?

How about the word “Missoula”?

This week, Mandela chats with archaeologist, ethno-historian and backcountry historical guide Kevin O’Briant about the history of the area most of us call home.

What event gave Hell Gate Canyon its name? And anyone who has studied the journey’s of Lewis and Clark knows how important the Lolo trail was to their passage over the Rockies – but what about the 12,000-plus years of history on this trail prior to that party’s “discovery”?

O’Briant has worked as a guide for Lewis & Clark Trail Adventures; today he teaches teaches Archaeology of Cuisine at the University of Montana. He’ll fill us in on that (burritos, anyone?) plus the origins of humankind on the North American Continent, the use of boats of the past 60,000 years and a primer on indigenous cartography.

Don’t miss the Trail Less Traveled – Sundays at 6 pm on the Trail 103.3 and online at!


For those digging deeper, Mandela has provided a list of links for further info:

An 1805 map made by the Arikara diplomat, Too Né (from the French National Library)

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