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Mandela update pt.1


Greetings from India!

Made it to India. 30 minute rickshaw ride from the airport to Kovalam. We almost got taken out by two buses-very exciting. Lots of large bonfires burning garbage on the streets which are covered in dogs. It’s 5:30am…First smell was of hundreds of humans sweating mixed with humid spice markets & garbage burning. I got language lessons from my driver. I made it safely to my jungle shack. Sat on the porch surrounded by banana trees listening to the ocean & the Islamic call to prayer in the distance.

Immediately unpacked everything & walked along the narrow alley next to the canal & beautiful iris and other flowers to the ocean. It’s a 2 minute walk to the beach & it look my breath away. Watched the sunrise while men in groups of 20-30 pushed and pulled the large vintage wooden fishing boats in the water. This place is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been-not touristy just Indians on vacation & other Europeans who are getting Ayurvedic treatment & studying Yoga. The water is clear & perfect temperature. Two old lighthouses on the points of the bay & plenty of snorkeling. Not too many people in the water but plenty of happy dogs.

I am next door to the place where I will be practicing Yoga every morning. I met my teacher briefly today. The Yoga Shala is on the very top of a pleasant quiet hotel & the roof is colorful as the light shines through.

My first day in India I traveled to the most southern tip of the country. Took a ferry out to two temples on two separate islands. Visited the Hanuman temple which is 1,300 years old. The fishing boats here are beautiful.

I have never fallen so deeply in love with anything so fast in my life. I adore everything about this place. I am so happy.




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