We live in a community full of love, support, and great music. All of these are coming together to help support local musician, David Boone. Please join us!

Raise Your Voice For Dave!
At Stage 112
September 25th
A night of laughter, friendship, and music.
Featuring: The Shiveries, Letter B, Crow’s Share, and Baby & Bukowski
It’s a family friendly event with $5 suggested donation, with all monies going directly to the
Boone Family.
This is a fundraiser to help offset medical expenses for local musician, David Boone. Of note is
that David has just returned home from his treatment in Arizona.
Below are edited excerpts of a note written by Boone family friend Joe Nickell, it explains the reason
for this get together on David’s behalf.
In October 2013, Dave’s doctor prescribed him Klonopin, a benzodiazepine, to help him sleep. Dave
trusted his doctor, and the prescription seemed to help. About a year later, Dave’s doctor decided Dave
didn’t need the medication anymore and tapered him off in a matter of just 12 days.
This sent Dave into a horrible withdrawal that landed him in the emergency room on November 1,
2014. You can read about benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome on Wikipedia . The short of it: The
effects can be profound and long-term. Dave, unfortunately, suffered many of them.
Dave spent three weeks in the hospital at the end of 2014, during which he was switched to a different
benzodiazepine that doctors hoped could be tapered more slowly and with fewer withdrawal effects.
Nevertheless, since taking his last dose on January 15 of this year Dave has been in a debilitating
withdrawal with no ability to work or participate in his normal life.
Dave and his wife, Steph (whom many of us know as an awesomely community minded soul in her
own right), researched and tried a range of treatments — Western, Eastern and other alternative
approaches — to no avail. They ultimately felt they had no other option but to seek intensive inpatient
treatment, which led them to a clinic in Arizona that specialized in benzo withdrawal.
Dave has not been able to work in the past nine months, so his family is feeling the impacts of lost
income, insurance deductibles, non-covered treatments and such.
Joe Nickell
Please join The Trail 103.3 in welcoming David home.
Help assist David and his family through what has been a difficult time.
Attend RAISE YOUR VOICE FOR DAVE at Stage 112 September 25th
You may also help by stopping by any Missoula Federal Credit Union and make a donation
to the
David Boone family account.
On behalf of the Boone family – THANK YOU!
One option for solving numerous medical problems is a on line. Minor change in basic lifestyle, another is pharmacy.